Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ensoniq Mirage DSK-1 MIRAGE Keyboard/Sampler/Synthesizer

Ensoniq Mirage DSK-1 MIRAGE Keyboard/Sampler/Synthesizer Review

Excellent Condition! Digital sampling keyboard enjoyed by many musicians & recording artist. The Black DSK-8 was the original Mirage, built beginning in late 1984, and is easily identified by its black metal case and all black buttons; it says "Mirage" on the top panel. The Ensoniq Mirage DSK-8 Digital Sampling Keyboard 2 x 64Kb worth of grungy 8bit analog filtered sample mayhem - get the idea? Samples: 8bit samples, sampling rate variable from 10KHz to 33KHz. Memory: 2 x 64Kb memory banks, 1 per "keyboard half" (which can be altered to a single key if you really want). This translates into very restricted sample space if you are talking straight-out samples; but for synth waveform samples, this can be as limiting as a goldfish in an olympic- sized swimming pool... NB: 64Kb is 65,536samples. It IS possible to cram a fairly LARGE sample into such a space by doing some creative re-sampling, filtering, etc., it is merely a question of audio quality over sample size. Keyboard: 5 Octave, velocity sensitive. Can allocate up to 16 different samples across the keyboard range (8 per keyboard "half") Filters: The real unique point of the Mirage, what makes it a true classic. 8 analog filter chips (one for each active voice) give samples a unique sound,One of the main beauties of the Mirage's filters is that they essentially turn it into a pseudo-hybrid digital / analog synth. Sample Storage: Standard: Single Sided Double Density 3.5" disk (360Kb) - holds 3 Lower sample banks, 3 Upper sample banks, and 8 sequences. What you will recive: keyboard, power supply, original operations manual, sample editing manual, original bill of sale(which was over 00), keyboard stand, original operating disks and some pre-formed sample/synth disks. In my opinion you will not find one with so many original components, software and in such great condition!!!

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